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Late Season Whitehaven Cruise Report 2024

Kbt line abreastLine ahead 2

Saturday 31st August/Sunday 1st September A total of ten boats took part in the end of season weekend cruise to Whitehaven. Kirkcudbright yachts Freebird (Moody 31 mark 2), Esprit (Prout Snowgoose 37), Stardust (Jaguar 25) and Child of Fortune (Westerly Pentland), Kippford yachts Bonaventure (Westerly Consort Duo), Bayard (Altanta Viking 800) and Misty (Moody 31 mark 2) as well as Kippford motorboats Mr Solitude (Fairline Cornish),Tonic (Sealine SC35) and Marika (Bayliner 2855) set off from Scottish shores on a calm and bright Saturday morning. 

Yachts left as early as the tide would allow and motored for the first hour or so. Misty accompanied the Kippford boats beyond Hestan before returning to her mooring.
A fair wind soon picked up. A fine sail was reported by all yachts with north/north easterlies Force 3-4 winds encountered for most of the passage. Motorboats set off around midday steaming line ahead out of Kippford. 

All boats passed through the lock gates safely and moored close together within the marina. Staff (from the lock operator to those in the office) could not have been more welcoming. After a quick lunch ashore, skippers and crews returned to Freebird for a glass of champagne with the wonderful addition of sunshine. Late evening activities were enhanced by the presence of the Harbour Festival with acrobats, dancers, and music.

ChampersFreebird wind

Many cruise members also took advantage of the generous invitation to an early evening BBQ in the marina by the Whitehaven Sailing Club. It is hoped that we can interest both their yachting and motorboat members in joining some of our future cruising activities.

There were concerns about the possible weather conditions on the Sunday. One model in particular predicted high wind speeds on the Scottish coast line. Some skippers were talking about taking advantage of the 2 for 1 night offer from the marina and returning on the Monday. In the event anticipated winds moderated and all but Esprit departed Whitehaven as planned on Sunday. The wind steadily increased to easterly F5 with Bayard and Bonventure making the 22 nm return trip in less than 4 hours!  One skipper described the sail as ‘exhilarating’. Freebird recorded boat speeds close to, and occasionally exceeding, 7 knots as well as a maximum recorded wind speed of 26.2 knots. Esprit reported an average of 8 knots when returning on Monday. All yachts made fast passages to their respective moorings. The motorboats returned safely although one had a damaged gearbox.

After such a disappointing summer this was a positive closing weekend. Let’s hope we have more of the same next year!

Neil Munro member SYC and KSC     

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